miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018

024 BAXE POSES *HandBag Female Elegant*


BAXE POSES "HandBag Female Elegant"
10 poses EXCLUSIVE - YIN YANG EVENT - January 15 thru January 30 2018
Exclusive discont (120L set of poses - 35L individual poses)
LAND MARK OF EVENT https://maps.secondlife.com/New/223/108/2498

Pose : HandBag female elegant 2

♦ My Avatar ♦
Head: LELUTKA Chloe Bento
Body:  Maitreya Lara Bento
Shape:  Custom

♦ My Accesories ♦
Hair:  little bones. Uma (Lelutka)
Dress: ISON - moto jacket dress (red)
Shoes: #EMPIRE - Cyclamen - Maitreya
Necklace: PP - Yola Necklace
Ring: CODE-5 Golden Wings Rings V/02 

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